
Warmer world equals wetter world: Climate change ‘supercharging’ water cycle, study finds

Temperatures continue to rise annually across the globe, and a warmer world means a wetter world, according to an analysis released Wednesday by Climate Central.

talk+water: Gregory Ellis

Texas+Water Editor-in-Chief Dr. Todd Votteler interviews Gregory Ellis, Attornery at GM Ellis Law Firm P.C., about Texas groundwater markets.

Irrigators have rightfully staked their claim to Earth Day, too

On April 22 the United States residents celebrated the latest version of Earth Day and it has a linkage to agriculture.

An “interstate water system” could fix the West’s water woes

California’s water woes are severe and worsening. A second dry year in a row has diminished the state’s water supply, and almost three-quarters of the state is in “extreme” or “exceptional” drought, the two highest categories. With the rainy season over and a hot, dry summer ahead, water shortages and brushfires are imminent.